Exploring the Triumphal City
The educational program, “Exploring the Triumphal City,” immerses students in the history of 2nd-century AD Roman Nicopolis, using the engaging and accessible medium of a comic book bearing the same title.
This program unfolds within the museum’s permanent exhibition spaces and the versatile multipurpose room.
The program is adaptable, with necessary adjustments, to cater to students across primary, middle, and secondary school levels.
The primary aim of the educational program is to introduce students to the history of Roman Nicopolis, particularly the events that led to its establishment and its subsequent evolution. Simultaneously, this program serves to raise awareness of the museum’s permanent exhibition. By adopting diverse narrative approaches to the story, it encourages multiple interpretations of the permanent exhibition, thereby fostering repeated visits to the museum.
This continuous engagement ensures that students maintain a lasting connection with both the museum and the rich cultural heritage of the local and broader regions.
Using a comic book as its primary medium, this program offers a timeless portrayal of the pivotal events that led to the establishment of Nicopolis.
The program dissects history into distinct themed segments, allowing for in-depth exploration of topics such as the city and its architectural marvels, the historic naval Battle of Actium, the Actian Games, and the city’s sacred competitions. These thematic axes shape the content of the educational activities, aligning with the specific interests of the participants. In addition to the printed book, which is also available in digitized format, the program offers an interactive digital application that complements the educational experience.
The program comprises themed tours of the museum’s permanent exhibition, accompanied by conventional and digital activities that are collaboratively tailored to suit the needs and preferences of each educational group.
Check the comic book here