Introduction to the exhibition
In this opening section, the visitor is seamlessly connected to the archaeological site and its monuments and also gives a concise overview of the key events leading up to the establishment of Nicopolis.
Combining tangible exhibits with digital media, this section unfolds as follows: Initially, a map provides insight into the history of human presence and the geographical layout of the broader region, specifically Kassope in the southwestern part of Epirus.
This map delineates the positions and periods of significance, spanning from the Paleolithic era to the founding of Nicopolis.

Subsequently, a brief five-minute video offers a historical narrative of the newly established city. Commencing with the naval battle of Actium, it traces the city’s development, progression, and eventual trajectory, encompassing its emergence, transition into the early Christian era, and eventual decline and abandonment.
This historical synopsis equips the visitor with an introductory yet comprehensive understanding of Nicopolis, facilitating a deeper engagement with the themed sections that ensue.
Lastly, a timeline unfolds along the corridor, leading the way to the subsequent exhibition section. Beginning in 323 BC with the passing of Alexander the Great, it highlights the pivotal historical events leading up to, and quite possibly shaping, the city’s founding.
The last point on this chronology serves as the starting point for the “A City is Born” section, which naturally follows.